 Agricultural Insect (101)
 Agricultural Diseases (102)
 Agricultural Weed (103)
 Seed Treatment (104)
 Livestock Pest Control (105)
 Forestry (106)
 Rangeland (107)
 Aquatic Pest Control (108)
 Industrial & Right-of-Way (109)
 Public Health Pest Control (110)
 Research and Development (111)
 Metam Sodium for Sewer Root Control (113)

​​​Turf & Ornamental
 Turf Pest Control (206) – 2 credits
 Ornamental Pest Control (207) – 2 credits

Structural                                                             Wood Destroying Organisms (301)
 Outdoor Vertebrate Pest Control (302)
 Structural Fumigation (303)
 Residential/Commercial Pest Control (304) –  2 credits
 Stored Commodities (305)
 Wood Preservatives (306)                                   Interior Plant Pest Control (307)                               Post Harvest Treatment of Potatoes (308)                     Soil Fumigation (309a)                                                 Non-soil Fumigation (309b)

Pesticide Applicator Continuing Education

Mountain West PEST provides live in-person workshops and live online recertification credit training via Zoom Webinars.  Live online webinars and in-person workshops have been developed and approved for core and category credits.  If your category is not listed as an "upcoming" webinar/workshop, please contact MWPEST (

To select your workshop or webinar and begin the registration process please go to the MWPEST store on Square.  The full URL is

Please register for webinars at least 48 hours in advance.  

Applicator Workshop Schedule 

Upcoming Core Credit Workshops (live in-person)

Upcoming Core & Category Credit Workshops (live in-person)

Upcoming Core Credit Webinars (live online)

Upcoming Core & Category Credit Webinars (live online)

Please check back or contact us.  Webinars and workshops are being scheduled and will be posted here.

​​Core Credit Workshops

Core Credit Workshops provide ALL seven (7) Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) required recertification core credits:

  • Laws and Regulations (2 credits)
  • Applicator Safety
  • Public Safety
  • Pesticides and Their Families
  • Environmental Protection
  • Use of Pesticides

The Core Credit workshops are open to Private and Commercial Applicators and unlicensed technicians or anyone else interested in learning more about pesticides.

Please call or email Sandra at 970-266-9573 or for more information. 

Commercial Applicator Category

Mountain West PEST has received Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) approval for recertification credit hours in the following pest management categories:

If you would like to receive an email as future workshops are planned:

Private Applicators

The Colorado Pesticide Applicators' Act requires that a person may not use restricted-use or state-restricted-use pesticides unless licensed (certified) by the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA).  The Colorado Private Pesticide Applicator License is required of individuals who use or supervise the use of restricted-use pesticides on land in agricultural production that is owned, leased, or rented by them or their employer.

CDA has a two-part system for private pesticide license renewal:

  1. Applicators accumulate the seven (7) required Continuing Education Credits (CECs)
  2. Applicators pay a renewal fee ($75.00) to the Colorado Department of Agriculture

Colorado Private Pesticide Applicator Licenses are issued for three years.  Continuing Education Credits (recetification credits) can be obtained at any time during the three year license cycle.

All Colorado Private Pesticide Applicator licenses expire on the applicator’s birthday.  Renewal application forms are mailed to the Private Applicator two (2) months before the expiration date.  If a licensee does not receive the renewal notice, a copy may be requested by calling the Pesticide Section at 303-869-9064.   It is important that licensees inform CDA of any address change.

To renew a license, the licensee must complete the renewal notice and send it back to the
CDA Pesticide Section with renewal fee ($75.00) and have accumulated the required seven (7) recertification credits.

If you do not acquire the required continuing education credits or let your license lapse you must retest in order to be licensed through the
Colorado Department of Agriculture.

Call CDA 303-869-9064 for further information.